BMF Apprenticeship Pledge

 Join us in our mission to have 15,000 apprentices across BMF Membership by 2030. Our pledge supports recruitment, development, and education within the industry, ensuring a skilled workforce for the future.

Please Sign the BMF Apprenticeship Pledge and return the form to [email protected].




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BMF Apprenticeship Support

LEAP is the official provider of the BMF Apprenticeship support. LEAP stands for Learn as you Earn Apprenticeship Programmes and they have a unique expertise working exclusively in the building materials supply sector. Each programme is designed around the specialist needs of the sector to help all learners reach their full potential. Programmes are delivered by the award winning training team and every apprentice is supported, from day one, by an Apprentice Coach to build their skills, knowledge and behaviours to help them develop their career. 

LEAP is an award winning apprenticeship provider specialising in the construction industry and specifically building materials. Leap has grown from 5 members of staff looking after 150 apprentices to 60+ members of staff looking after over 1000 apprentices a year. 

Each apprenticeship uses government approved standards and are delivered by industry competent coaches to deliver the exact knowledge, skills and behaviours required in this ever changing industry.

To find out more about the BMF Apprenticeship support contact / 0247 685 4982. Alternatively speak to your Regional Manager.